After the rush of the holidays, marking the Twelve Days of Christmas provides space and time for quieter pursuits.
Fake Tree, Real Christmas
Just the facts, ma'am
I like reading the dictionary–or I did back when dictionaries were books. Same for the encyclopedia. For those who grew up in the digital age, an encyclopedia is “a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically.” I looked that up on
Imperishable Memories
Long game, baby
New acquaintances are sometimes taken aback by the speed-dating approach to friendship I perfected in military life. Hello-my-name-is-Terri-I-just-moved-here-How-many-kids-do-you-have-Where-are-you-from-Who-is-your-dentist-Love-your-hair-Here's-my-number-Want-to-have-lunch-sometime? The fearful look in their eyes was just one indication that I needed to slow down. Way down. The acceleration was not only unnecessary; it was scaring people.